
write about all the secrets that has been kept from you

I cant think of many secrets that have been kept from me but one secret was when my sister was pregnant . She lived in valdosta for college and ended up pregnant i didn’t know till probably the sixth month she came down here probably when   she was about three months , but i didn’t notice. When she called me telling me I was surprised because I didn’t expect the all a college student to get pregnant.

write about what you used to know how to do

 I used to be really flexible because of cheer. I used to know how kick my leg behind my head , put my leg behind my head , all type of weird stuff. As I grew up I  stop stretching properly and lost most of my flexibility.

write about something you don't exactly remember

 Something i don't exactly remember is my childhood and i think that goes for everybody. One day i woke up and i was like 4 or 5. I know memory only develop at a crtain age but sometimes i wish i coulsd remeber when i was a baby. My mom would tell me things i would do as a baby i wish i could just remeber 

write about when you knew you were in trouble

 One time I knew I was in trouble is when I didn't do my chores.  I ended up falling asleep before doing my chores and I woke up to my mom yelling about the kitchen being dirty. I woke up knowing I was in trouble already because I was supposed to clean the kitchen. 

write about what you have to much of

 I have too many clothes. I know it's like you can never have too many clothes but literally feel like I hold on to too many clothes. I run out room in my closet and dressers. My mom think I should give some away but I also feel like I wear all my clothes.

write about something you cant deny

 Something I use to deny all the time is my height. I can't deny my height because it is clear as day that I'm short. I used to deny my height I guess because I wanted to be tall. Growing up going to school almost everybody used to be taller than me and I didn't like it, but now I actually love my height.